| Local News | Call for Nominations – Sunnybrook Negotiating Team

Call for Nominations – Sunnybrook Negotiating Team

September 24, 2024

The Election Committee is now accepting nominations for the Sunnybrook Local Collective Agreement Negotiating Team.

We are looking for one full-time RN and one part-time RN to serve a three-year term (effective January 1, 2025.)

Complete nomination forms must be submitted by midnight on October 18th, either by mail to the Sunnybrook Union Office (Rooms H214/H215) or by fax to 416-480-6867. Both the Nominator and the Candidate must be ONA members with entitlements.

A Ticket of Nominations will be posted by October 29 and the election date (if needed) will be November 8th.

If you have any questions, please contact your Bargaining Unit President or call the Sunnybrook Union Office at 416-480-4597.

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